The calculator supports 18 digits of precision in floating point
calculations. As with any calculator, errors may accumulate during repeated
operations. Accuracy may be less for calculations which require numerical
methods to determine the result. In fixed precision and scientific modes,
DreamCalc does not round internally during calculation, but rounds the display
value only.
If a calculation cannot be performed, one of the following errors will be
Math Error
The result could not be calculated because it was outside the scope supported
by the operation or the input data was insufficient. For example, taking the
square root of -36 will give this error.
Range Error
The input value, or the result, was outside the numerical range supported by
the calculation. For example, attempting to calculate 10,000 factorial will
give this error. As a rule the, the allowable floating point range is
3×-4932 < |x| < 1.18×104932, although not
every function can support this range.
Divide by Zero
The calculation directly involved a division by zero.
Syntax Error
An attempt was made to perform an illegal or illogical operation. For example,
attempting to calculate a regression coefficient while the calculator is in SD
mode will give this error.
Order of Precedence
Calculations are performed in the following order of precedence.
- binary functions (i.e. logb)
- unary functions (i.e. sin)
- ×, ÷, MOD
- +, -
Where operations have the same order of precedence, calculation is performed
from left to right.